Lipopolysaccharides, FITC conjugated



Cat#:  LPS-09F
Description/Features:  This product is a TCA extract of E. coli serotype O55:B5 (strain CDC 1644-70), which was purified by gel filtration and conjugated to FITC
Origin:  E. coli O55:B5
Forms:  Lyophilized powder
Labeling Ratio:  2-10 μg FITC per mg LPS
Conjugate:  FITC
Package:  5mg
Application:  FITC-Lipopolysaccharides may be used to study the movement/transport of LPS across tissue barriers such as the colonic epithelium and cellular binding and internalization of lipopolysaccharides with fluorescence-based assay systems; may be used to evaluate, qualify and quantify lipopolysaccharides removal reagents and procedures; may be used for the detection of LPA binding proteins and motifs.
Storage:  4°C, Protect from light.
Notes:  The product is soluble in water (5 mg/ml), yielding a hazy faint yellow solution.
For Research or Industrial Raw Materials, Not For Personal Medical Use!

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